My night was sweetened by a trip across the street to the Seneca Niagara casino, which constitutes my first trip to a casino, ever. And I did OK, I think. Careful with money by nature, the most I was willing to risk was $5 in the 2¢ slots. By the time I finished, I was up $1.02. I've decided that this is karma partially paying me back for Tuesday. However, at the same time, the whole experience was a little frightening and surreal: no clocks or windows, and rows of people sucking down cigarettes as they push the lighted buttons, hoping to hit it big. A small part of me wanted to go into the "I will never smoke" section from Musical Health Show (I get the kids to say it in English, and then we learn it in sign language), but I decided that this would not be prudent. Eventually, my winnings and I found our way back across the street and into my super-comfy bed. I was asleep within moments of hitting the pillow.
Next morning found me at a very small Catholic school. Which is, I recall from Max and Ruby, always an interesting proposition. On one hand, they are the best-behaved audience you will ever find. On the other hand, they're so well behaved that it can be like pulling teeth to get them to participate. These kids were a little quiet at the beginning, but I think I won them over. I was particularly impressed that my sixth graders in the back actually volunteered to come up onstage and participate. Even the adults, a few of whom were appeared skeptical at first, were with me by the end. "You've got so much energy," the contact told me. "Is that because you had three cups of coffee?" I refrained from answer.
On the way back home, I decided to play tourist and stop by the Falls. Indeed, it is the dead of winter, but how often does one make it to Niagara Falls? Anyway, I was just about the only person there, so I had my meditative, gathering moment, took some photos, waved at Canada (again) and began my return trip to Brooklyn. Where I arrived seven hours later.
Week 1 completed, and I'm still in one piece. Let's hope for less action next week.
Call tomorrow, er, Sunday: sometime mid-afternoon. I need to get up to Norwich, NY, so I'll be ready for an 8:45am. Yikes!
Kid quote of the day: Tiny little pre-K Joshua came up for the Champion's Challenge, one of the participative parts of Musical Health Show. I chose him to demonstrate his abilities in "strength." As I am wont to do, I asked him if he thought he was strong. Joshua's response: "Strong... like this," as curled his biceps and smiled wide. After he completed his push-up feat, he hugged me around the ankles and ran back to his seat. And, as everyone was filing out, I heard Joshua's voice: "Slim Goodbody's my friend."